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Procedure descriptions

Apply for permission to take up waste management activities

If you wish to take up a waste management activity involving hazardous waste, e.g. as a collector, transporter, trader and broker of hazardous waste, you must apply for a permit for this activity from the competent authority. If you are exempt from the permit requirement, notification of your activity is sufficient. If you have already received a permit for your activity and there have been significant changes in circumstances, you must reapply for the permit. The permit requirement applies to both national and transboundary waste shipments.



The competent authority shall grant the licence if

  • no facts are known which give rise to doubts as to the reliability of the holder or the persons responsible for the management and supervision of the establishment, and
  • the owner, insofar as he is responsible for the management of the establishment, the persons responsible for the management and supervision of the establishment and the other personnel have the necessary technical and professional knowledge for their activities.


If you wish to take up this activity for the first time as a collector, transporter, trader and broker of hazardous waste or if significant circumstances of your activity have changed, you must apply for a permit from the competent authority. You can do this by e-mail or by using the online form to enter your details and submit the required documents. In the case of the online form, you must sign the application with a qualified electronic signature in order to complete it. This can be done, for example, using the signature card used in the electronic waste verification procedure and the card reader used there. Signature software from the company Governikus, Signer WebEdition, is required for the signature. The software must be installed locally on your computer system beforehand. The download with instructions is available on the GOES website. The authority will send you an acknowledgement of receipt. After reviewing the application and your documents, the authority may

  • request additional documents or
  • grant the permit with or without conditions, or
  • reject the permit.


before starting work

Required documents

  • Your company number(s) under waste legislation as a collector, transporter, broker or dealer of waste (if already issued to you)
  • The transaction number of your initial notification (only if you wish to create a notification of change)
  • your business registration (if you are obliged to register your business)
  • an extract from the commercial, association or cooperative register (insofar as an application has been made)
  • Proof of business and environmental liability insurance (insofar as such insurance exists)
  • Proof of the professional competence of the persons responsible for the performance and supervision of the enterprise
  • Proof of motor vehicle liability insurance (if you wish to apply for a permit for the activities of collecting or transporting and the transport takes place on public roads)


Management fee: EUR 250 - 5000

Release note

Ministry for Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, Nature and Digitalisation Schleswig-Holstein

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