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Procedure descriptions

Apply for a grant for a rural doctor

As a GP, you receive up to 30,000 euros in state funding.

This applies if you settle in a rural municipality in Baden-Württemberg where GP care is not assured or will not be assured in the near future.

The following can be funded

  • the takeover of an existing practice
  • the establishment of a new practice
  • the establishment of a branch practice
  • the employment of a doctor

Responsible department

The Ministry of Social Affairs of Baden Württemberg



You intend to start working as an SHI-accredited doctor in a funding area of the Rural Doctors funding programme. No distinction is made between self-employment and employment.

Eligible areas are municipalities in which GP care is not assured or will not be assured in the near future.

In detail, you must:

  • obtain a licence in an eligible area (or your employee(s) ) as a
    • A general practitioner,
    • Paediatrician
    • general practitioner internist or general practitioner internist
  • have received approval from the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung) for the establishment of a branch practice ("Nebenbetriebsstätte"), and
  • within six months of the approval decision, commence work as a general practitioner, paediatrician or paediatrician or general practitioner in the assisted area and
  • participate in the telematics infrastructure or submit proof of connection to the telematics infrastructure and
  • have the willingness to actively participate in any existing cross-sectoral care offers or models in the area of approval.


1. Application

  • Use the online application.
  • You will receive a confirmation of receipt in your service account mailbox.
  • The responsible office will then communicate with you by e-mail or via the service account, for example in the event of queries.

2. Grant notification

  • If you meet the funding requirements and have not yet used up all the funds, you will receive a notification of funding by e-mail or post.
  • This means that the responsible office recognises which of your intended expenses can be funded, e.g. purchase of a practice, practice equipment, expenses for IT.

3. Start of the project

  • As soon as you have received the notification , you may conclude service agreements such as rental agreements, purchase agreements or employment contracts.

4. Call for funds

  • As a rule, you can have the grant paid out within 9 months of the start of the project. To do this, you must fill out the "Request for Funds" form that you received with your grant notification. Send this form together with the required documents by post or e-mail to the responsible office.
  • In this way, you prove that you have actually fulfilled the funding requirements stated in the funding application.
  • The responsible office will check these documents and transfer the money to you.

5. Proof of use

  • When you have made the expenditure, you prove to the competent body how much and for what you have incurred costs by submitting the original invoice by post or, if you only have it electronically, by e-mail.
  • The competent office will primarily check whether these expenses are the eligible costs recognised by the notice of approval.
  • If you have any queries, the competent office will contact you.


There is no deadline. Apply for rural doctor funding at least four weeks before you enter into service contracts.

Please note:

You will not receive funding if you have signed performance contracts before you receive the grant notification. Service agreements are for example, practice takeover contracts, purchase contracts, rental contracts or employment contracts.

Required documents

For the online application: none

For the subsequent call for funds:

  • Notice of approval for your municipality
  • Lease or purchase agreement for your practice
  • Proof of third-party funding, if you are also receiving financial support or funding from a third party to start working as a panel doctor,
  • Employment contract if the employment of a doctor is to be funded



Processing time

About four weeks, in individual cases longer


Grants from the state are voluntary benefits to which you have no legal claim.

Release note

09.08.2023 Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg

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