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Procedure descriptions

Apply for compensation in the event of segregation or prohibition of activity

You can receive compensation if you have suffered a loss of earnings as a result of quarantine/isolation or a ban on work. The activity ban or the obligation to quarantine/isolate must have been ordered by the public health department or another competent authority or result from a legal ordinance, e.g. Corona Ordinance on protective measures replacing isolation.

Since 1 March 2023, there are no longer any compensable measures ordered by ordinance of the state government or the Ministry of Social Affairs in Baden-Württemberg. For periods from 1 March 2023 onwards, compensation can therefore only be applied for if the competent authority has personally ordered you to isolate or prohibit you from working and the other requirements of Section 56 IfSG are met.

Note: It is of course still possible to submit applications for periods up to 1 March 2023. As before, an application deadline of two years applies here.

Payment and application to the competent authority is made by the employer in the case of employees. Self-employed persons can submit their application directly to the competent authority.

Amount of compensation:

  • 1. up to the 6th week: amount of the loss of earnings
  • from the 7th week: 67% of the loss of earnings incurred

For employers:

Upon application, the competent authority will reimburse the compensation paid to your employees:

  • in the case of activity bans: Loss of earnings and pension contributions;
  • in the case of separated persons: loss of earnings, pension contributions and contributions to statutory health insurance, social long-term care insurance and unemployment insurance.

For self-employed persons:

The competent body will reimburse you on application:

  • Loss of earnings and social security expenses to an appropriate extent for the relevant period.

Responsible department

the Youth and Health Office of the City of Mannheim, centralised for the whole of Baden-Württemberg



  • Loss of earnings due to a ban on work or isolation in accordance with the Infection Protection Act (IfSG)

Compensation cannot be paid

  • for the period of sick leave or sick notification
  • for trainees who are prevented through no fault of their own from fulfilling their obligations arising from the vocational training relationship (pursuant to Section 19 (1) (2) (b) BBiG)
  • in the absence of a collective agreement: for a relatively insignificant period of inactivity (pursuant to Section 616 BGB)
  • in the case of other paid employment in the company
  • if it was possible to compensate for the loss of earnings through other reasonable work, e.g. working from home
  • if the employer is contractually or collectively obliged to continue to pay wages


As a rule, applications can only be submitted online.

Please note: Applications can only be submitted retrospectively.

The procedure varies depending on your employment status:

  • For employees:
    Employees receive compensation from their employers for the first six weeks. From the seventh week onwards, they must submit an application to the competent authority themselves in order to continue receiving compensation.
  • For employers:
    Employers can subsequently apply for reimbursement of the compensation paid to employees. They can submit applications for several employees together.
  • For self-employed persons:
    Self-employed persons can submit the application themselves.

After the authority has reviewed the claim, a corresponding decision will be issued. The compensation payment is made by the Landesoberkasse BW and is paid directly to the account details provided by the applicant.


within 2 years from the start of the activity ban or the end of quarantine

The date of receipt of the application by the competent authority is decisive for compliance with the deadline.

Required documents


  • Pay slips for the two months prior to the loss of earnings per employee
    • Pay slips for the months for which reimbursement is claimed, per employee
  • Proof of paid or unpaid allowances
  • Sickness certificates/certificates of incapacity for work in the event of sick leave
  • If applicable, extract from collective agreement on continued payment of remuneration in the event of incapacity for work
  • Proof of vaccination status or medical contraindication
  • If available: Proof of the officially ordered ban on work or the officially ordered isolation/quarantine. If certificates of isolation are no longer issued, please have the corresponding positive PCR or rapid test certificate ready as proof, which justifies the isolation/prohibition of activity.

Self-employed persons

  • Proof of income (tax assessment notice) for the previous year
  • If available: Proof of loss of income during the period of the activity ban or isolation/quarantine
  • Proof of insurance benefits received, if applicable
  • Sickness certificates/certificates of incapacity for work in the event of sick leave
  • Proof of vaccination status or medical contraindication
  • If available: Proof of the officially ordered ban on activity or the officially ordered isolation/quarantine. If certificates of isolation are no longer issued, please have the corresponding positive PCR or rapid test certificate justifying the isolation/prohibition of activity ready as proof.

Authorised representative

  • If the application is made on behalf of a company or a self-employed person (e.g. as a tax consultant), please submit a power of attorney.


Costs and fees may be incurred as part of an appeal procedure.

Processing time

Varies in individual cases depending on the volume and quality of applications, in particular the completeness of the documents and evidence.



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69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 115
Fax: 06201 / 82 - 268

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Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr

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