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Procedure descriptions

Applying for sick pay and time off work when your child is ill

As long as you receive sick pay, you are entitled to unpaid leave from work from your employer.

To calculate the sickness benefit, the competent body will take into account the pay lost during the leave of absence.

Amount: 70% of gross pay, but no more than 90% of net pay

If one-off payments subject to contributions (e.g. holiday or Christmas bonus) were received in the 12 months prior to the leave of absence, the sickness benefit amounts to 100% of the net pay lost during the leave of absence, irrespective of the amount of the one-off payments. The maximum daily sick pay for children in 2024 is EUR 120.75 (less the insured person's share of social security contributions) and the daily sick pay may not exceed 70% of the daily contribution assessment ceiling for health insurance.

If the sickness benefit is calculated on the basis of earned income (the profit from self-employment determined in accordance with the general profit calculation regulations of income tax law), this amounts to 70 per cent of the regular earned income, insofar as it is subject to the contribution calculation.

You are entitled to exemption per calendar year:

  • Parent couples 15 days per parent and child
  • Single parents 30 days per child
  • Couples and single parents with two children can apply for a maximum of 60 days
  • Couples and single parents with three or more children can claim a maximum of 70 days

There is a special regulation for the care and nursing of seriously and terminally ill children. In this case, the entitlement to sickness benefit is not limited in time, but only exists for one parent. Ask your health insurance fund for advice.

Tip: Many collective labour agreements contain supplementary regulations on time off and continued payment of salary when a child is ill. Ask your trade union about the regulations that apply to you.

Attention: Civil servants have no corresponding legal entitlement. They can be granted special leave of up to four working days per calendar year if a child is seriously ill. For further information, please contact your department's personnel administration.

Responsible department

  • to apply for sickness benefit: the health insurance fund
  • to apply for time off work: the health insurance fund and your employer



  • You have statutory health insurance.
  • Your child is covered by statutory health insurance.
  • You have a medical certificate stating that supervision, care or nursing of the sick child is necessary.
  • Other people living in the household cannot look after the child.
  • The child is not yet twelve years old.


You must apply for sick pay from your health insurance fund.

You must apply for the leave of absence from both the health insurance fund and your employer.

The health insurance fund will obtain the information on your salary from your employer and calculate the sickness benefit.

You will then receive a notice of approval or rejection.

The health insurance fund usually pays out the money as soon as it has been calculated.

Required documents

medical certificate



Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch Fünftes Buch (SGB V)

  • § 45 Krankengeld bei Erkrankung des Kindes

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 04.07.2024

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