Logo Service Baden Württemberg
Procedure descriptions

Commercial Register - Inspection

You will receive information about corporations (GmbH, AG), partnerships (OHG, KG) or sole traders as well as facts and legal relationships that are important in business life.

Example: the names of the persons authorised to represent the registered company.

The commercial register is an official register. It is kept electronically.

Notice: Small traders can register voluntarily and acquire the status of a merchant upon registrationmerchant status.

Responsible department

  • for the keeping of the commercial register: the register court in whose register district the merchant's place of business or the company's registered office is located
  • for registration for the electronic data retrieval procedure via the joint register portal of the Länder

Note: In Baden-Württemberg, the register courts are the local courts of Freiburg, Mannheim, Stuttgart and Ulm.





  • You can access the data online.
  • You can inspect the commercial register in person during office hours at the office of one of the four registry courts.



Required documents



  • for inspection at the register court: none
  • for the electronic retrieval procedure via the register portal of the Länder: None



Release note

10.01.2023 Justizministerium Baden-Württemberg

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Tel.: 115
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