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Procedure descriptions

Cross-border commuter permit for employment in Switzerland - application

Do you wish to work in Switzerland as a cross-border commuter? Then you require a cross-border commuter permit (G permit).

The Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons between Switzerland and the EU simplifies living and working conditions for EU citizens. In addition, there is now mutual recognition of professional qualifications, the right to acquire property, and the coordination of social security systems. The same rules apply to nationals of the EFTA countries.

Note: The free movement of people is no longer extended to Croatia. Switzerland grants Croatian nationals separate quotas for working people outside the quotas for third-country nationals.

You must keep the cross-border commuter permit with you at all times during your employment in Switzerland. The permit is not considered to be an identity document in Germany. For border controls at the German border, you require an identity card or a passport.

Responsible department




  • You are a German national or a national of an EU 25 or EFTA state.
  • You are resident in Germany.
  • Your place of employment is in Switzerland.
  • You return to your place of residence at least once per week.

Note: For citizens of Bulgaria or Romania, the place of residence and workplace must be in the respective border zone. The cantonal employment authorities provide details on the extent of these border zones.


Your employer must apply for the cross-border commuter permit to the competent authority.

If your agreed period of employment is shorter than twelve months, the competent authority will limit your cross-border commuter permit to the duration of your contract of employment. If your employment contract is longer than twelve months or is a permanent contract, your permit will be valid for five years. You can have the permit renewed each time for a further five years.

Note: Your employer should apply for an extension to the permit in good time before it expires. Your employer must also report a change of job, a change of your address abroad, and any changes to your personal status to the competent authority.

Required documents

  • Contract of employment
  • primary residence certificatein Germany
  • copy of identity card or passport
  • Passport photograph

The competent authority can request further documentation.


  • For issuing a cross-border commuter permit for adults: Two administration fees of approximately 65 Swiss Francs each
  • For issuing a cross-border commuter permit for persons under 18 years: Two administration fees of approximately 30 Swiss Francs each

Processing time

Processing of the application usually takes two to three weeks.


If your places of residence and work are both in Switzerland, a temporary residence permit may be relevant for you. There are short-term permits (L permit for a stay of up to 18 months) and long-term permits (B permit for a stay of up to five years). After a stay of at least five years, you may be eligible for a permanent residence permit (C permit).

These residence permits must also be applied for by your employer.

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Regierungspräsidium Freiburg released the full description on 29.04.2016. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.

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