Logo Service Baden Württemberg
Procedure descriptions

Feed monitoring - reporting unsafe feed

Laboratories that carry out analyses of feed on behalf of feed companies are obliged to report unsafe feed.

As the person responsible or the person in charge of a laboratory, you must check the following questions in connection with the new reporting obligation:

  • Is it a feed sample taken in Germany?
  • Based on the analysis results, do you assume that the feed safety requirements are not being met? Is there therefore a marketing ban?

Note: This reporting obligation supplements the obligations of feed business operators. They must immediately inform the authorities responsible for them of the measures taken if they assume that the feed they have placed on the market is not safe.

Responsible department

The regional council responsible for the respective laboratory.



  • You are responsible for a laboratory that carries out analyses of feed on behalf of feed companies.
  • You have taken a sample of a feedstuff in Germany and
  • based on the analysis results, you assume that the feed safety requirements are not met and that there is therefore a marketing ban.


You must inform the competent authority immediately in writing or electronically about unsafe feed. You can make the notification informally.



Required documents

You must provide the following information:

  • Time and result of the analysis
  • the analysis method used and
  • Person commissioning the analysis




Note: A breach of the obligation to notify (failure to notify, incorrect, incomplete or untimely notification) of unsafe feed constitutes an administrative offence.
The competent authority may impose a fine of up to 20,000 euros.

Legal basis

Lebensmittel- und Futtermittelgesetzbuch (LFGB)

  • § 44 Duldungs-, Mitwirkungs- und Übermittlungspflichten

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Ministerium für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg, 21.06.2024

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