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Procedure descriptions

Pension fund for lawyers - registering as a member

The pension fund for lawyers in Baden-Württemberg is the occupational pension scheme for members of the bar associations in Baden-Württemberg.

This pension fund provides the following benefits for members and their surviving dependants:

  • old-age pensions   
  • occupational disability pensions   
  • provisions for surviving dependants
  • death benefits for surviving dependants   
  • lump-sum settlements for surviving spouses or civil partners who lose their pension entitlements on remarrying

Note: In addition, the pension fund can provide allowances for the costs of any required and particularly costly medical rehabilitation measures on request. However, this is not a right.

Members of the pension fund are obliged to pay monthly contributions as long as they do not receive an old-age pension or occupational disability pension. This is equivalent to the maximum contribution to the statutory pension insurance scheme for employees.

There is also a minimum contribution (one-thirteenth of the regular obligatory contribution). You may apply to pay only half of the obligatory amount during the first 36 months following your appointment as a lawyer; however, you may not pay less than the minimum contribution. Prerequisite: You work solely on a freelance basis and had not reached the age of 40 by the time of your appointment.

Most employers deduct the membership contributions from their employees’ salaries and send them directly to the pension fund. If you are employed, please give your membership number to your employer and inform him that you are exempted from payments into the state pension scheme. If you are not employed, or if your employer does not pay the contributions directly to the pension fund, you must pay the contributions yourself. You can download a direct debit authorisation form from the internet.

Tip: You will find more information about contributions in the articles of the pension fund for lawyers in Baden-Württemberg.

Responsible department

Pension fund for lawyers in Baden Württemberg



You are a member of a chamber of lawyers in Baden-Württemberg.

For you, membership of the pension fund is obligatory.

You may not become a member of the pension fund if

  • you do not become a member of a bar association until after your 45th birthday, or   
  • you have an occupational disability.


The pension fund will be notified automatically as soon as you become a member of the Chamber of lawyers in Baden-Württemberg . You will then be sent all the necessary information and documents. Therefore you do not need to register yourself in advance.

Tip: When you apply, you can also request exemption from your obligation to pay contributions into the state pension scheme in favour of the pension fund for tax consultants. The application form for exemption is available from the pension fund, or you can download it from the internet. Complete and sign this form and send it to the WPV. This is a supplement to your membership registration and will be forwarded to the Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund (German statutory insurance pension scheme).

If you meet the conditions of membership, the pension fund will give you a membership number. You should quote this number in all future correspondence with the pension fund.


  • for registration: as soon as you meet the requirements for membership
  • if requesting reduced contributions: within six months of meeting the requirements for membership
  • Further deadlines are set out in the articles of association of the pension fund.

Required documents

  • copy of passport or personal ID card
  • confirmation that you are entitled to practise as a lawyer
  • if you are employed: a copy of your employment contract


  • Registration: none
  • Membership: obligatory monthly contribution

Release note

The German original version of this text was drafted in close cooperation with the relevant departments. The Wirtschaftsministerium released it on 06.03.2024. Only the German text is legally binding. The Federal State does not assume any liability for the translated texts.
In cases of doubt or if you have any questions or problems, please contact the relevant authorities directly.

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