Logo Service Baden Württemberg
Procedure descriptions

Population register - request group information

Only the following data may be used for the composition of a group of persons:

  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • current nationality
  • current addresses
  • Date of moving in and date of moving out (if known)
  • Marital status, stating whether single, married, divorced, widowed, living in a civil partnership, the civil partnership has been dissolved or the civil partner has died

In addition to the fact of belonging to the group, the municipality may provide the following data:

  • First name and surname
  • Degree of doctorate
  • current addresses
  • Age
  • Sex
  • Nationalities
  • legal representation with first and last name and address

Responsible department

the registration authority of the place of residence of the group of persons sought

The registration authority is

  • the municipality/town administration of the place of residence or
  • the administrative community or the municipality that fulfils the duties of the registration authority for the municipality of residence



Information from the population register on a large number of residents who are not named (group information) may only be provided if there is a public interest in doing so.

A public interest exists, for example, if a university institute is commissioned to conduct a study as part of a research project. This could be: "Acceptance of local public transport among 40-45 year olds in Region A". The registration authorities of region A may then give the institute the addresses of the 40 to 45 year olds from this region


You can submit your application for group information at the registration office of the place of residence of the group of persons you are looking for:

  • in person
  • in writing or
  • electronically

Note: The municipalities' population register only contains data on private individuals. You can obtain information about companies or business enterprises from the business register.

Required documents

  • Proof of public interest

The competent body may request further documents such as identification documents and powers of representation.


The amount of the costs depends on the administrative fee statutes of the respective municipality.

Processing time

As a rule, two to twelve weeks in the case of a written request


If you are looking for a specific person, you can apply for simple or extended information from the population register.

A special regulation in group information applies to parties, electoral groups and other sponsors of election proposals. They can apply for group information from the population register six months before an election at state or municipal level, such as local council elections. This also applies to general votes or referendums and citizens' petitions. If you have not lodged an objection, the following information will be provided:

  • Your first name and surname
  • any doctoral degree and
  • Your current address

Release note

25.01.2023; Innenministerium Baden-Württemberg

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