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Procedure descriptions

Registration in the Register of Crafts - applying for exemption according to § 8 HWO

With an exemption permit, you fulfil the requirements for entry in the register of skilled crafts for a skilled craft requiring authorisation.

Caution: This does not allow you to use the title of master craftsman or to train in the craft in question.

The permit can be limited to technically and economically definable partial activities of a craft requiring authorisation.

Responsible department

the Chamber of Skilled Crafts in whose district your future place of business or residence is located



  • Reason for exemption
    for an unlimited exemption permit: Exceptionally, you cannot be expected to take the master craftsman's examination. The following are possible reasons for exemption:
    • advanced age (from about 47 years)
    • Restriction to a specialised activity
    • health and physical handicaps
    • Presence of other examinations
    for a temporary exemption permit:
    • Unemployment due to outsourcing
    • Opportunity to take over a business
    • long waiting times for master craftsman examinations
  • Proof of qualification
    • knowledge and skills similar to those of a master craftsman in the (sub-)craft in question as well as
    • sufficient commercial and general legal knowledge

Note: If no sufficient proof of qualification is possible, you can prove the required knowledge and skills in an informal expert knowledge examination:

      • The examiner must be commissioned by the competent Chamber of Skilled Crafts.
      • You must bear the costs of the examination yourself.

You must make up for the master craftsman's examination if you have a temporary exemption permit. As a rule, you have a maximum of two years to do so. The time limit depends on the individual case and the circumstances. You must provide proof of registration for all parts of the master craftsperson preparation and admission to the master craftsperson examination.

Note: Your overall situation is taken into account. Lack of time or money and professional overload are not exceptional reasons.


You must apply for the exemption in writing. You can also submit the application by e-mail. Use the form that you can download from the internet.

After your documents have been checked, you will receive either a notice of exemption or a notice of refusal.

If you wish, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts will hear the relevant trade organisation.



Required documents

  • Proof of expertise or qualification and/or
  • Proof of the duration of professional practice in the craft applied for (training, further training and work certificates, references), if available


varies, depending on the individual case

Check with the responsible office.


After you have received the exemption permit, you can be entered in the register of skilled crafts. You can also work as a technical manager in another company.

Release note

21.09.2023 Baden-Württembergische Handwerkstag e. V.

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