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Procedure descriptions

Training preparation dual and training preparationg (AVdual/AV) - Register for participation

Preparatory training (AV dual or AV) offers you, as a young person, vocational orientation and career guidance. In the AVdual and AV you will learn the basics of one to three occupational fields, such as construction technology, food production, metal technology. In addition, you will also expand your general education as well as your training maturity. You must register for participation.

The AVdual/AV is a full-time training programme and usually lasts one year. The lessons consist of theory and practice of

  • occupation-related learning field projects and
  • lifeworld-related learning projects.

If you do not have a lower secondary school leaving certificate, you can acquire a level of education equivalent to the lower secondary school leaving certificate by successfully taking a final examination.

Note: If you are under 18 and have a lower secondary school leaving certificate, in Baden-Württemberg you generally have to attend a vocational preparation course such as the AVdual, pre-qualification year for work/vocational training (VAB) or the year of entry into employment (BEJ) if you

  • do not start vocational training or
  • do not attend a secondary school.

Responsible department

the respective school



  • You are obliged to attend vocational school or are entitled to attend vocational school,
  • You do not have a training place and
  • You are not attending any other full-time school.

Note: You are obliged to attend vocational school following compulsory schooling until your 18th birthday. If you are entitled to attend a vocational school, you can attend the AVdual/AV with the rights and obligations of a compulsory vocational school until the end of the school year in which you turn 21, if the school still has places available.



You must register at the relevant vocational school in your area. You will also receive the relevant application form there. Depending on what the school offers, you can also download the application form from the internet.

The school will inform you in writing whether you can participate or not. In case of participation, you will also find out when and where you have to appear.


Applications are possible at any time. You should apply as early as possible before the start of the school year.

Required documents

Half-year report of the last school attended

Note: Your vocational school can provide you with further information about any other documents you may need.



Processing time




Release note

13.07.2023; Kultusministerium Baden-Württemberg

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