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Procedure descriptions

Undergo a cancer screening examination

From a certain age, people with statutory health insurance are entitled to an annual examination for the early detection of cancer.

Statutory early detection examinations for women

  • between the ages of 20 and 34: annual examination of the genital area
    • targeted questioning (e.g. questions about bleeding disorders, discharge)
    • Inspection of the cervix
    • Cancer smear and cytological examination
    • gynaecological palpation
    • Counselling
  • between the ages of 35 and 65: genital examination and gynaecological examination every 3 years
    • Combination examination consisting of a cytological smear from the cervix and an HPV test (test for genital infections with human papillomaviruses); a smear taken from the cervix is examined for both HPV and cell changes
    • abnormal findings are further clarified as part of early detection
    • clinical examination with medical history, gynaecological palpation, examination of the genital skin region (as with the annual physical examination for 20 to 34-year-old women; this annual examination for women aged 35 and over takes place every third year in conjunction with the combination examination of cytological smear and HPV test)
    • Counselling about the result
  • from the age of 30: annual breast examination
    • specific questioning (e.g. questions about changes/discomfort of the skin and breast)
    • Palpation of the breasts and the associated lymph nodes
    • Instructions for breast self-examination
  • from the age of 35, additional skin examination every two years
    • targeted questioning (e.g. questions about changes to the skin and complaints)
    • standardised full-body examination of the entire skin including the hairy head and all body skin folds
  • supplementary colon and rectum examination:
    • at the age of 50 to 54 years annually:
      • Questioning about faecal abnormalities and advice on colon cancer
      • Stool examination for hidden blood (immunological test)
    • from the age of 55:
      • either a complete colonoscopy, which you can repeat once after ten years at the earliest if the findings are normal , or
      • A faecal examination for hidden blood every two years
  • between the ages of 50 and 75: mammography screening for the early detection of breast cancer every two years at the written invitation of the Centre for Mammography Screening Baden-Württemberg in a certified screening unit
    • X-ray of both breasts
    • Double diagnosis of the X-ray images by two independent examiners

Statutory early detection examinations for men

  • from the age of 35: skin examination every two years
    • targeted questioning (e.g. about changes in the skin and complaints)
    • standardised full-body examination of the entire skin, including the hairy head and all body skin folds
  • from the age of 45, additional annual prostate and genital examination
    • targeted questioning
    • Palpation of the prostate from the rectum, palpation of the testicles, penis and inguinal lymph nodes
  • supplementary colon and rectum examination:
    • at the age of 50 to 55 years annually:
      • Questioning about faecal abnormalities and advice on colon cancer
      • Stool examination for hidden blood (immunological test)
    • from the age of 50:
      • either a complete colonoscopy, which you can repeat once after ten years at the earliest if the findings are normal, or
      • A faecal examination for hidden blood every two years (from the age of 55)

You must pay for other cancer screening examinations yourself (e.g. targeted skin inspection by a dermatologist, mammography before 50, measurement of intraocular pressure),

  • if they are purely early detection measures and
  • You do not have them carried out to clarify a suspected illness.

Note: If you notice any abnormalities during self-observation (e.g. lumps in the breast, visible blood in the stool)contact your family doctor immediately. This also applies to Abnormalitiesthat you between the scheduled examination dates appointments.

Responsible department

Your general practitioner or a medical specialist



  • This involves the early detection of diseases that can be treated effectively.
  • The preliminary or early stages of these diseases can be detected by diagnostic measures.
  • The signs of the disease can be detected clearly enough using medical technology.
  • There are enough doctors and facilities available to diagnose and treat the suspected cases in detail.


Make an appointment for the examination with your family doctor or a specialist.



Required documents



for those with statutory insurance: none

Note: These regulations do not apply to privately insured persons. However, private insurance companies usually cover early detection measures to the same extent.



Legal basis

Sozialgesetzbuch (SGB) Fünftes Buch (V):

  • § 25 Gesundheitsuntersuchungen
  • § 25 a Organisierte Früherkennungsprogramme

Krebsfrüherkennungs-Richtlinie des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschusses (G-BA)

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Sozialministerium Baden-Württemberg, 28.08.2024

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69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 115
Fax: 06201 / 82 - 268

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Mo. - Fr.
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08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr

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Mo. - Fr. 08.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Mo. - Mi. 14.00 - 16.00 Uhr
Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr