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Procedure descriptions

Register trainees in fruit growing and horticulture for the final examination

As a horticultural company, would you like to register your trainees for the examination? The regional councils organise final examinations for horticultural apprenticeships twice a year.

The summer examination takes place between May and July, the winter examination between January and March.

Vocational training in the horticultural professions ends with a final examination to become a gardener

The final examination documents that the trainees have the necessary practical and theoretical knowledge to practise the profession they have learnt.

Responsible department

the regional council responsible for the training centre



  • Your trainees have completed the training period or the training contract ends no later than two months after the examination date.
  • Your trainees have taken part in the prescribed intermediate examination.
  • The written or electronic training record has been kept and signed by your trainees (report booklet).


You will be asked by the competent body to register the trainees for the examination.

You must submit an individual online application for each person in training:

  • Complete the application in full and send it off
  • You will receive a confirmation with an attachment in your inbox.
  • You print out the form (generated PDF).
  • You and the person in training sign the printed application form by hand.
  • You or the person undergoing training staples the registration form to the report booklet before the training certificate is checked for approval.

Once you have registered, the competent body will send an invitation to take part in the final examination directly to the trainee. The training company will receive a duplicate.

The trainees receive a certificate after passing the final examination.


  • 1. April for the summer exam
  • 1. November for the winter exam

Required documents





As a trainer, you must release your trainees from work for the duration of the examinations. You must also release your trainees on the working day immediately preceding the written final examination.

The training relationship ends:

  • if the final examination is passed, when the examination board announces the result. The horticultural company will receive a duplicate of the result.
  • if the final examination is not passed, on the date specified in the contract. At the request of the trainee, the training contract will be extended until the next possible repeat examination, but by a maximum of one year.

Legal basis

Berufsbildungsgesetz (BBiG)

  • § 15 - Freistellung, Anrechnung
  • §§ 37 - 50 - Prüfungswesen

Release note

machine generated, based on the German release by: Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, 17.05.2024

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69469 Weinheim
Tel.: 115
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Do. 14.00 - 18.00 Uhr